International Background Check

Global presence- We are Popular Everywhere.

Why waste time reinventing the wheel? With our pure play solutions, take a leap into the future of background verification strategy within optimal time, cost while ensuring quality of implementation. We know the processes, applicable local laws and required documents. Screening results Provided by us which is best fit for you .In past year we made extensive network and local presence in 150 Countries.

Our international verification checks provide credential confirmation in countries where candidates have lived and worked via some of the most robust international coverage possible.

Our Services for International Background Checks

Enable us to assist you in Hiring Wisely and Getting Started Quickly with a program designed to tackle the problems you encounter every day.

Global Financial Checks

Global Sanctions Monitoring

International Credential Verifications​

International Criminal Checks

International ID Checks

International Verification

Streamline & Centralize Global Verification

Employers in any country know the best way to ensure a candidate has the required experience, skills or certifications is to take the time to verify the candidate’s background information.

Organizations That Use Data Alliance Infosystem International Verification Checks Can:

Mitigate risk associated with hiring unlicensed, uncredentialed or uncertified professionals in roles requiring professional licenses or drivers’ licenses.

Access All The Verifications You Need – Global, National And Local – In One System

Verifications aren’t always available in every country. Also, there is likely a different protocol required for performing the different types of verifications from one country to the next.

Safeguard with eyes that never close

Experience the power of real-time monitoring, enabling lightning-fast reactions to potential fraud, minimizing financial losses and safeguarding your customers and business.

International Key Verifications

We verify stated education through contact with educational facilities or their designee. Results may include attendance dates, course major or main subject, qualification or degree(s) attained, and date qualification was awarded.

This check involves verifying the authenticity of candidate’s educational & professional qualifications from the respective universities/colleges.

We verify stated employment through contact with the employer or their designee. Results may include employment dates, job titles, responsibilities, salary, circumstances of termination and eligibility for rehire.

We obtain information on a candidate’s personality, demeanor, professionalism and work ethic through references provided by client or candidate, where available.

We verify stated professional licenses, registrations, memberships, credentials or certifications. Results may include license, membership or registration status, any restrictions or sanctions.

We search to determine if a candidate has, or had, fiduciary and/ or board of directors’ responsibilities for one or more companies, thereby identifying a potentially undisclosed conflict of interest, or confirming a candidate’s disclosed experience and expertise.

We verify driver’s license credentials and status for that jurisdiction. Results may also include driver history, conviction history, expiration, driving restrictions and identity information.

Check the database of Office inspector of general.

Check the database of General Service Administration

It involves matching name and Social Security numbers of hired employees against Social Security’s records.

This check includes comprehensive search on the Criminal/Police database.

The check involves a comprehensive research against the convicted of sexually violent offenses against adults and children and certain sexual contact and other crimes against victims who are minors.

Employment Screening involves verifying the candidate’s claims about his/her previous employment records. Details such as designations held, tenure, etc. are validated with the HR and/or reporting manager, via e-mail, telephone/database.

The Fraud and Control Information System (FACIS) is a database search of records containing adverse actions against individuals and entities sanctioned in the healthcare field. This includes information on disciplinary actions ranging from exclusions and departments to letters of warning and probation